Saturday, 24 September 2016

Super Smash Crash Results: Mario Mayhem

Welcome back to Super Smash Crash!

What an astounding match that was. Nice to see the four main characters battle it out to see who would be victorious. And what with all the mushrooms crawling around, it was quite difficult to tell who would win. Especially since one could make you grow, and the other could make you shrink. But, nevertheless, a champion did emerge. So, who was victorious? Let's find out.

1st: Bowser   115 KO's
2nd: Peach    53 KO's
3rd: Mario    50 KO's
4th: Luigi      41 KO's

And there you have it! With a whopping 115 KO's, Bowser is victorious, for once. But, I must be surprised with that score though, because I was expecting it to be much closer, rather than the champion winning by over 50 KO's. Oh well, I guess it is always a surprise when it comes to the Smash Crash.

Did your predictions come true? Did you guess correctly that Bowser was going to stomp his way to victory? Or were you surprised that Mario struggled to keep up? Either way, it was another intense Super Smash Crash. Stay tuned later on tonight for another exciting Smash Crash, at 6pm and for more posts later on in the future.

Davo. Out

Meet Fiery Doom, Mario

Ready to take on Bowser
Princess Sassy Peach

Ready for a head-to-head fight

Bowsers got the upper hand now

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