Saturday, 17 September 2016

Super Smash Crash: Food Frenzy Results

Welcome back to Super Smash Crash!

Well, what a truly glorious match that was. I was feeling quite jealous of the challengers during it, for they got to have all the food they wanted. And, even better, it rained from the sky. What a dream come true. Anyway, here are the results of the match.

1st: Dark Pit               58 KOs
2nd: Dr. Mario           38 KOs
3rd: Duck Hunt Duo  34 KOs
4th: Yoshi                   19 KOs

Well there you have it. Dark Pit flew to victory, thrashing the opponents on the way. Dr. Mario and Duck Hunt had a couple of close encounters. And Yoshi just couldn't keep it up. Pretty bad Yoshi, pretty bad. But, nevertheless, it was an interesting duel, especially to see how food recovery can factor in. And quite plainly, through no surprise there, it can be very handy.

Did your predictions come true? Or did they fizzle to the ground? Make sure to check out the pictures from the match below, and if you'd like, check out the other previous matches as well. It is quite interesting to see how the fighters can go in different situations. Be sure to stay tuned for more Super Smash Crashes to come later on in the future.

Davo. Out

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