Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Super Smash Crash: PokeSmash

Welcome back to another Super Smash Crash!

Today' Crash will be venturing into the world of Pokemon. That's right, all fighters, items and the stage will be Pokemon based. So, it's time to unleash today's line-up.

Today's match will be:
CPU Level: Five
Items: Pokeballs and Master Balls.
Fighters: Pikachu, Charizard, Lucario, Greninja.
Stage: Kalos Pokemon League
Start Time: 6pm AEST
Results: 8pm AEST

This match will certainly be an interesting one, considering that there will be so many Pokemon on the stage, all vying for the top spot. So, who will win today's match? My money is on Lucario, because he gets stronger with every hit he takes, literally. As for who will lose, I reckon it will be Greninja, because while he is quick, he struggles to make up for it in power. That's just my opinion anyway.

Who do you reckon will win? Will Fire win in a blaze of glory? Or will Electric shock the competition? As usual, only time will tell. And as always, there will be pictures of the match down below, for proof that the match did in fact exist. So, stay tuned for the results, which will be arriving in two hours from now.

Davo. Out

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