Sunday, 25 September 2016

Super Smash Crash: Bump to Bump Results

Welcome back to Super Smash Crash!

Well, another Smash Crash is over and done with. Amidst all the chaos and mayhem that was caused by the bumpers, a challenger was able to keep a level feet and stay grounded from the constant bumpiness. So, without further ado, here are the results of today's match.

1st: Robin             353 KO's
2nd: Pikachu        288 KO's
3rd: Shulk            265 KO's
4th: Diddy Kong  253 KO's

There you have it. With the help of the Bumpers, Robin has easily taken the top spot with a whopping 353 KO's. And surprisingly, I was wrong with my guess, Diddy Kong, coming last. As I said earlier on, this was going to be a difficult match to judge. All four competitors would have to face the onslaught of the Bumpers, which looked pretty tiresome. At one point there was five Bumpers shoving the characters all around. But, through perseverance, a victor did emerge. Hat's off to Robin for accomplishing such a feat.

Did your guess come true? Did you guess that Robin would dodge the mayhem? Or did you think that Diddy Kong would struggle to keep up? Either way, it was an exciting match. As always, pictures of the match will be below. If you would like to keep up to date with more Smash Crashes, then why not like and follow the blog, and make sure to pass the word onto your friends, or any random people in the street. Until next time, stay tuned for more posts and Smash Crashes later on in the future.

Davo. Out

Who's ready to dance?

Super Diddy, to the rescue

Take that Bumper

Curse you, Bumper!

We're a bit stuck here, huh

Aren't you a cute looking monkey

Float like a Butterfree

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